Since 2014, we have been focused on working with community partners to ensure that students in the 80214 area are ready for each cradle to career milestone. One of the most important milestones is kindergarten readiness and ensuring that every child is prepared for kindergarten.

As our community gentrifies, and early childhood spots go to families that have the money to pay for childcare, the gap in which children are ready for kindergarten widens. This gap in academic outcomes between lower income families and those who have more income only grows from kindergarten to high school.

At Edgewater Collective we are determined to bridge these gaps with targeted resources and programs so that every student in the 80214 area is ready for college or career after high school. Through our Incubadora Colectiva worker cooperative program, we are excited to launch the East Central Jeffco Early Childhood Worker Cooperative.

This worker cooperative is focused on training and resourcing Latina, Spanish-speaking family, friend and neighbor (FFN) caregivers in east central Jefferson County. More than half of Colorado’s families depend on FFN caregivers and most of these families are families of color and lower-income. We believe that by investing in these childcare providers, and supporting their long-term success, more children will be prepared for kindergarten and the income of providers will increase. We also know that there are childcare needs among families that are moving into east central Jeffco that would love for their children to be educated in a bilingual and multicultural environment.

This fall we are excited to partner with Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition in training future FFN childcare providers through their PASO (Providers Advancing School Outcomes) program. After providers finish this 120 hour intensive early childhood program, they will be invited to join our Incubadora Colectiva worker cooperative training program to start launching their business together.

Cooperative members will receive the following benefits: 

  • Free worker cooperative training (24 week program) and members will be paid a $25 an hour stipend during the training
  • Platform for customer payment and communication
  • Marketing support
  • Initial grant of $1,000 for childcare supplies and equipment
  • Coaching, ongoing training and office support

We have posted specifics about an upcoming open house for those interested in joining this early childhood worker cooperative here.

Invest in Worker Cooperative Members

Our Incubadora Colectiva worker cooperative training program lasts 24 weeks and members are paid a $25 an hour stipend to attend these training sessions. This initial investment provides important financial support to members even before the cooperative is launched and members start receiving pay for their work.

You can donate here to help cover the stipend of one of our worker cooperative members.

Special Thanks

We are so thankful to Early Milestones Colorado for the CIRCLE grant which is making this early childhood work possible. We are also thankful to Community First Foundation for investing in Incubadora Colectiva from the beginning.