Resources for Immigrants

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Every person, regardless of their immigration status, deserves to be safe and respected in our Jefferson County communities. At Edgewater Collective, we stand with immigrants and their desire to make a home here in Jefferson County. We stand against efforts to dehumanize and demonize immigrants.

We are not alone in this commitment to safe and welcoming Jefferson County communities. Click here for a statement from community organizations and elected officials who share this commitment.

Though we hope federal and local governments do not take steps to deport immigrants or take away their rights, there is a power in knowing our rights and being prepared for what might happen.

We will continue to update this page with resources to build knowledge and power among our immigrant communities.

Know Your Rights

We are willing to lead Know Your Rights trainings in local schools, libraries, community groups, or other safe spaces. Email Joel Newton ( for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions for Immigrant Students and Families from Jeffco Public Schools

Know Your Rights one-pager from Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (English and Spanish)

Colorado immigrant protections infographic (Spanish)

Understanding ICE warrants from Colorado Rapid Response Network in Spanish and English

More Know Your Rights information from Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition

Information on how to interact with police or immigration officers in difference scenarios in Spanish and English from iAmerica.


Family Preparedness Plan

It is important for every family to have a Family Preparedness Plan in case of an emergency. This plan from Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition helps families have a plan if a parent is absent and child needs to be picked up at school, if an immigrant officer comes to your home, and other helpful resources.

Click here for the Family Preparedness Plan in Spanish.

ICE Activity Hotline

To report ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) activity, call the bilingual hotline at Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (844-864-8341). This phone line is open every day and at any hour of the day (24/7).

Legal Immigration Help

Want to learn more about the immigration process in the United States? Click here for more information. 

Here is a list of organizations near you that offer legal help. They can refer you to a trusted immigration attorney if necessary.

You can also click here to search for a trusted American Immigration Lawyers Association member in the area.

For School Leaders and Educators

Fugees Family has great resources for school leaders and educators including a School Crisis Playbook and ICE Preparedness Training.

Supporting Students and Families through Potential Mass Deportations by DiversifiED Consulting