

This morning we unveiled the Jefferson Success Pathway and the plan to help all kids in the Jefferson High Area succeed from cradle to career.

We believe that by aligning all community stakeholders around a common vision and keeping them accountable to goals and indicators, all children can succeed from cradle to career. Three Working Groups (Early Childhood, K-12 Academic Success and College and Career Readiness) worked to find common goals and data indicators to guide our work in the area.

At this point we are focused on wraparound projects for the pathway and following the lead of Jeffco Public Schools on what they decide should happen during the school day. We trust teachers and administrators to lead education efforts in their buildings. Our role is to support and encourage what they are already doing instead of pointing the blame at them for low test scores.

Our Community Partners are rallying around common pathway goals and data indicators which will show that we are succeeding at our goals. You see these goals and indicators here.

After our presentation of the goals and indicators, Jeffco Schools Superintendent Dan McMinimee and Colorado Lieutenant Governor Joe Garcia’s Chief of Staff Scott Wasserman offered their messages of support for our work.

A team of students from Colorado School of Public Health also presented data on healthy food access in the greater Edgewater area. You can access their presentation here.

Next Steps

After our unveiling this morning, we are focused on our next steps over the next few months. Here is what we will be up to with our Community Partners:

  • Align with Jeffco Schools efforts in the area
  • Align Community Partner programs with goals
  • Seek investments for wraparound programming
  • Gather baseline data on these indicators